Involving Music


Concert Photographer

Gail Foster is a photographer based in Devizes in Wiltshire who enjoys photographing music events for the adrenaline and excitement and the art and joy of it, as well as for experience and reasonable remuneration.

She enjoys photographing classical musicians as well as bands and has worked closely with the glorious Fulltone Orchestra in recent years, as well as having had the delight of photographing Toyah and Evelyn Glennie in Devizes in times gone by.

More recently, Gail has added Mantonfest to her CV and has been chuffed to have been able to capture some of the early energy of Nothing Rhymes With Orange (watch this space, but preferably not from right in front of her!).

Nothing Rhymes With Orange – Chow for Now

She works with as little and as inexpensive kit as possible, namely, at present, a Panasonic Lumix DCFZ82 for its versatility, silent operation, and massive zoom, and a Canon EOS 1200D, with the recent addition of a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II Lens. She’s all about being able to move quickly and unobtrusively as close to the action as possible and would like to be invisible really, but it’s not happening.

The light at music gigs can be wildly exciting but also tricky to manage, and that’s one of the many reasons she (and many other music photographers) loves a bit of arty B&W.

Gail can be contacted with regards to future work by email at, and her photographs can mostly be found all over Facebook on Devizes pages as well as on her own page – Gail Foster (Gail from Devizes) – and on artists’ social media and the Devizine website. She also has a YouTube channel, and if you look hard enough, you might even find Ren there.

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